Do Not Sell My Info

Notice For California Residents To Opt-Out From The Sale Of Personal Information

This notice is made for California Residents so that they can opt-out of the sale of their personal information on our services or across the web.


Only when both you (using our services at your own risk adopting needed security and precautionary measures) and we (protecting your data with various measures) try our best to protect your data, a maximum level of security and protection can be attained.

If you want to know more about the privacy practices and our usage of your personal information in order to make an informed decision relating to optvisit our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

Why you may like to opt-out of your personal information being used for advertising and other purposes?

If you are a California resident, your state has given you the right to stop any parties from sharing or selling your personal information for any purpose. In that context, our collection, use, and sharing of a certain type of your personal information such as IP address, geolocation, device identifiers and likewise to the third parties for the purposes of effective serviceability, relevant advertising, and marketing may also be considered as sale as per CCPA. Similarly, our use of cookies and other related technologies for the legitimate reasons mentioned above may be also seen by CCPA as the activities that may define the sale of your personal information.

Therefore, we request you to adopt the measures we have listed below to secure your personal information and opt-out from the sale of any such information:

  • On the National Advertising Initiative’s ad opt-out page, choose your opt-out choices (related to cookies, device identifiers, and other tracking technologies) that may disable tailored advertising and internet-based advertising on platforms affiliated with National Advertising Initiative (NAI). Any opt-out action via its website is subject to the policy mentioned there.
  • On the Digital Advertising Alliance’s ad opt-out page, choose your opt-out choices (related to cookies, device identifiers, and other tracking technologies) that may disable tailored advertising and internet-based advertising on platforms affiliated with Digital Advertising Alliance. Any opt-out action via its website is subject to the policy mentioned there.
  • On Google Ads Setting Page, opt-out from Google ad personalization. 
  • Install extensions on your browser such as IBA Opt-Out By Google and Protect My Choices to opt-out from interest-based advertising and personalization based advertising on your browser.
  • From your web browser settings, you can set cookies and advertisement settings as per your preference.
  • Opt-out of tailored advertising adjusting ad tracking settings on your mobile devices. To do so, you can get to your mobile’s settings page and then to a related advertising setting.
  • Try resetting any advertising identifiers from your mobile device setting page (such as IDFA). 
  • Change your Facebook ad preference setting by visiting the Facebook Ad Preference.

Opt-Out Of Sale Of All Of Your Personal Information and Other Privacy Requests

In addition to all of the above-mentioned measures, you can also request us to not sell or license your personal information to third parties for any purpose.

As per our reasonable business interests, we may usually share your personal information with third parties for the purpose of effective serviceability and relevant advertising/marketing. Not only that, we may also allow our third party partners to provide your opportunities, offer, promotions or other services that may interest you.

Therefore, if you want to opt-out of the sale or use of your personal information from us for the reasons mentioned above, please fill out this opt-out form and select the type of requests you want to make, including the request “Do not sale my personal information.”

Applicability of the measures in this notice

  • Applying any opt-out measures initiated by us or by third parties, you understand that such measures are not meant to stop advertising but are meant to disable tailored advertising. Thus, you may still see contextual ads based on the data we have about you.
  • Any opt-out measures mentioned here are only browser and device-based. That’s why you must opt-out on each device so that your choices can be applied.
  • We don’t take responsibility for any opt-out tools, websites, or services mentioned here that are not in our direct control.
  • Applying to your certain requests and choices, we may still initiate activities such as cross-device tracking to provide you first-party ads, or to engage in non-targeted advertisement and business operation/analysis purposes such as analytics and attribution.
  • Applying to your certain requests and choices, we may still share personal information with certain third party partners who provide sufficient solution and business services to us. Usually, any such information provided to the third party service providers falls under:
  • Purpose of measuring ad effectiveness
  • Purpose of controlling ad frequency you see (for ads from us)
  • Purpose of securing ads
  • Purpose of ad fraud prevention
  • Purpose of measuring ad performance
  • Purpose of analytics and providing/generating ad statistics
  • Any measure listed in this notice will not apply to the use of previously collected, used, and shared information.
  • We will responsibly implement any measures in this notice that are in our direct control. But despite our best efforts, we may not be able to stop other third parties from initiating interest-based targeted advertising out of your or through your previously collected information through our services. However, in order y such parties (List of our third parties) not to do so, you can visit their website and manage your preferences there.